A Reason to Write

This is a kind of boring, navel-gazing post.  Take my advice and skip it.

What do you read my Lord?  Words, words, words.

Of all the reasons I have not to write – and they are legion –  stinginess often rises to the top of the list.  As if words were precious or rare.  As if ideas and thoughts are finite.

Words are not fragile, delicate things that must be cased in packing peanuts and bubblewrap, bestowed only begrudgingly on the most worthy.

Words are not like cake, though I have had occasionally to eat them.  The more I say, the more I have to say.  Even better, the more I express, the better I am at refining the thought behind the expression, making clearer to myself what I really believe –

because I don’t have anything figured out.  I think out loud.  And if I write something down it sounds as if I know it for a fact, but it’s just a thought.  and thoughts can change.

Readers like writers who have it figured out.  But that kind of certainty is an illusion.  What you think you know today changes tomorrow anyway.  There are very few immutables.  Yes, I did just nounify an adjective.

I am writing to write.  It is an end in itself.  I don’t need an audience, I don’t need to monetize; I only need to scream into the ether and let the words fall where they may

and if they fall on ears that can hear I am blessed.


6 thoughts on “A Reason to Write

  1. learninglife203 says:

    I really, really LOVE this. I find that I am no longer able to put my thoughts and feelings into words. Mostly because of this scatterbrained feeling I have. Therefore, I climb on when some other person has done what I cannot. You can liken this to me hitching a ride to where I need to go with the person who has the verbal asphalt with which to pave the road, and a vehicle which isn’t broken down.

  2. Pistachios says:

    Did you just verbify the word “noun”…? The nounest of nouns? 😉

    “Writing to write” – exactly as it should be! This is not the only writing-dilemma-type post I’ve seen recently. Interesting how we question ourselves…

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