Pizza is Worth It

Sorry for beating a dead horse – I know I’ve said before that I miss my hometown pizza.  I’ve spent a few years trying to perfect homemade.  It’s not the same, but it is pretty darn good.  Better than what I can get in the local pizza shops anyway.

Someone – an online stranger someone – just asked me why I bother to make pizza crust when there are buy-able options in the grocery store:  flatbreads, pre-made crusts, tortillas, etc.  Now, you and I know that it’s because I’m a pizza snob, but the question made me a little bit crazy because

why do ANYTHING?

Why knit socks when you can buy them?  Why sweep your floor instead of hiring someone?  Why do your own laundry or wipe your own ass?  Why do anything that requires any effort?

Because there is something either about the process or about the end product that makes it worth it to you, right?  You’ve likely done an internal and informal cost/benefit analysis.

Here is my casual single serving recipe for real pizza that comes in around 250 calories:

1/4 cup flour, 1/4 tsp. yeast, 1/8 tsp. salt, 1/2 cup homemade tomato sauce, 1 ounce mozzarella.

Mix flour, yeast, salt with enough warm water to make a dough, knead briefly with fingertips, let rise.

Pre heat oven and cast iron pan (or pizza stone) to about 500 degrees (higher if you can).

Stretch dough, let rest if stiff, then stretch again.  I got mine to about 6 or 8 inches across.

Spray pan with oil, lay in dough, bake for 6-ish minutes.

Remove from oven, apply sauce and cheese, put back in oven till cheese is how you like it.

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